HitFire TV and TiviMate Setup

Below is your device login information:


Server address: http://hitfire2tv.com:25461

Username: UserName Here

Password: PassWord Here


01.-On your Firestick download Downloader App

02.-Open Downloader App, in search box, search myhitfiretv.com

03.-Scroll down and download HitFire TV App or if you have a TiviMate account Download TiviMate 4.0 App

04.-If you downloaded HitFire TV app Open the app and enter your Username/Password and your DONE!


05.-If you downloaded TiviMate 4.0 Open the Application and click "PLAYLIST"

06.-Now click "XTREAM CODES"

07.-Now enter the above info. (Server address, Username, Password)

08.-Now press "NEXT" and wait for Processing to complete

09.-Once Processing is complete Press "DONE"

10.-Now click "OK" on next the screen

11.-Give the EPG a moment to populate, the go to far left side of the screen then go down to settings

12.-Click on "Settings" on the right side of the screen click "UNLOCK PREMIUM"

13.-Click "NEXT" then Click "ACCOUNT"

14.-Now enter your TiviMate Username and Password and press "LOG IN"

15.-CLICK "NEXT" then Click "ACTIVATE" and wait a moment, then Click "OK"



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